Thursday, December 08, 2005

Globalisation's strange bedfellows (FT)

Globalisation’s strange bedfellows

It takes a good deal of courage, some would say foolhardiness, for a multinational company operating in impoverished parts of the world to open its internal documents to scrutiny by campaigners for fairer globalisation. read the whole story

Tuesday, November 22, 2005

Simon London: Responsibility in a market economy (FT)

Corporate social responsibility is one of those topics – like Manchester United and the New York Yankees – that raises passions both for and against. To CSR’s proponents, encouraging companies to do more than the law demands to create a better workplace and society is a powerful force for good. To its opponents, this is dangerous thinking because it distracts companies from their true role in a market economy – maximising profits while staying within the law.